vendredi 15 mai 2015

The old stone wall

This morning, while on my daily walk, I was surprised by the scream of a bird as I happened by it's nest. It was a Kildear and she sat protectively on her eggs right in the gravel only inches from my foot. I damn near had a heart-attack until I realized what the screech was from. I've always known they nest like this but still can't figure out how any of them survive what with the wild-life and the elements. It's a mystery.
(source)Come along and I'll show you some of our stone wall on the property. But first, here's the latest visitor to our lot. This dog lives next door and decided to come-a-callin'. Not sure of it's name, yet, but I'm sure we'll be seeing more of this gorgeous canine.

There are many things I love about this little piece of my ancestor's land and right at the top of this list is the stone wall.It goes right across the back of our lot, up the left side and corners the front.

I can picture my great-grandparents piling these rocks as they cleared the land for the house and barn.That would have been around 150 years ago.My great grand-parents, my grand-parents and my mom have called this land 'home'.There is lots of work to do including planting a garden at the cat gravesite.In some spots the rocks have fallen and are covered in debri and years of dried leaves.
Some time, when all the clean-up is done, I want to tidy up the old stone wall. and put the rocks back where they belong.For some, that wouldn't sound like much fun but I look forward to it. There are many child-hood memories of spending hours playing on these old rocks that I hope will come flooding back to me.
Sadly, we say "Farewell" to the great B.B. King.The mouse-house will be rockin' with your music today.Rest in Peace.hugs, Deb

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