i love Cats
lundi 25 mai 2015
Toll-house cookies with tea.
On this rainy day, the mouse-house got a going-over and the cookie jar was filled. Audrey helps make the bed....her way. It never looks rig...
dimanche 24 mai 2015
Baby Audrey and a blog you just may enjoy.
At 3 months of age, when our foster kitten, Audrey, saw her reflection she saw this... And since she never left her foster home :-b, we wer...
Putrid, Rotting Flesh Discovery, Hot on the Trail of a Monster
Putrid, Rotting Flesh Discovery, Hot on the Trail of a Monster | Monster Week | Animal Planet img.wp-smiley,img.emoji {dis...
Catching Monster Crocs in Costa Rica for Science
Catching Monster Crocs in Costa Rica for Science | Monster Week | Animal Planet img.wp-smiley,img.emoji {display: inline !...
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