jeudi 21 mai 2015

A recipe and fun gardening

Fresh out-of-the-oven blueberry loaf.Big enough to cut in half and share with a loved-one. :)
1/2 c butter, melted2 c flour1 1/4 sugar2 tsp baking powder1 tsp salt1/2 c milk2 large eggs1 tsp vanilla1 1/2 c blueberriesPreheat oven to 350 degreesPrepare your 9" pan Mix together flour,sugar,powder,salt.In a smaller bowl, mix butter, milk, eggs, vanillaStir wet into dry Fold in berriesBake in prepared pan
55 minutes
Both purple and white lilacs grow on our property.And, on the other side of our fence and along the ditch there is a beautiful lilac tree in full bloom.I guess that one is for the 'walkers' that pass by the mouse-house every morning.

Must be a pretty funny dream, Audrey. Haha! ;-)
I've been adding more flowers around the front because...well, I just can't stop.The pansies look so pretty in all the different colours.I have just one more to plant and a few more other flowers to pot up.The grass seed should soon take and hopefully we'll have fresh new grass to cut.
I'm in good company here. :)
(I'm being stalked by a retired-guy ;-)Enjoy your gardens.Enjoy your Spring.
hugs, Deb

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